- yt:Steve Mould:Magnet Balerina
- yt:Alex:Inside Italian Pasta Factory
- yt:Drunk Finnish cyclist
- yt:Ahoy:Nuclear Fruit - How the cold war shaped video games
- yt:Line Goes Up - The Problem With NFTs - "You have to tell the program generating the garbage when to stop"
- tw:@JANUSZCZAK >Beep beep. It's the birthday of the Austrian sculptor Franz Xaver Messerschmidt (1736-1783) maker of some of the least likely sculptures ever. Most were based on himself. In the end, he went mad and thought he could talk to the gods. But I suspect he was never completely there.
- Palaeoplushies
- Now that's a president
- Weird pigeon breeds
- w:Soda Springs, Idaho
- SweGreen - Supermarket indoor hydropnics
- w:Resiniferatoxin hottter than pure capsaicin on the Scoville scale
- Bert Hubert - Googerteller
- System to translate Old German handwriting
- Cursor Effects